Genesis Tillage Inc Ground Breaker 6

  • Genesis Tillage Inc Ground Breaker 6
    Genesis Tillage Inc Ground Breaker 6
  • Genesis Tillage Inc Ground Breaker 6
    Genesis Tillage Inc Ground Breaker 6
  • Genesis Tillage Inc Ground Breaker 6

$8,498  USD

(approximately $12,223  CAD)

Equipment Specifications

Category:Lawn and Garden
Manufacturer:Genesis Tillage Inc
Stock Number:39883C
Model:Ground Breaker 6
Serial number:C2183541

City Tractor Co.

645 Penn Ct.
North Liberty, IA, United States

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Detailed Description

For Sale: NEW...Genesis Ground-Breaker 6 seeding drill...includes front disks and rear packer roller...will plant any type of seed, or any type of seed mix...designed for conservation seeding, waterways, road sides, and food plots...this drill is a minimum tillage machine, and is intended to place seed in areas of previously tilled soil, or loose soil conditions...front disks, spaced 6" apart, open the soil, then mid-mounted feed cups scatter the seed, and the rear roller packs it in...weighs 1205 lbs; ideal for 30-60hp tractors...this seeder is NEW, in our warehouse on original shipping skid.
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