Wanted Agriculture/Dairy Superintendent I - Corcoran State Prison

  • Wanted Agriculture/Dairy Superintendent I - Corcoran State Prison
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Category:Careers / Employment
Location:Corcoran State Prison
Item Location:CA, United States

Detailed Description

The California Prison Industry Authtority is hiring for a full-time Prison Industires Superintendent I (Agriculture). Someone with three years of production experience in the agriculture/dairy industrial enterprise or trade, with at least one year in a supervising capacity will qualify for this position. The salary range is $5,775 to $7,168 per month and this positon is eligable for health, dental and vision benefits, earns paid time off and will be eligable for enhanced CalPERS retirement.This position requires possession of a valid State of California General Milk Pasteurizer's License.

Additional informaiton can be found by visiting the job posting link:https://calcareers.ca.gov/CalHrPublic/Jobs/JobPosting.aspx?JobControlId=427069 Must Apply by 5/6/2024

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