Farmers are also encouraged to complete the survey online.
Farmers should take the time to fill out the surveys as the data helps USDA support producers, said Erik Gerlach, South Dakota’s state statistician.
The data provided will help federal and state programs support the farmer,” he said in a statement. “I hope every producer understands the importance of these data and will take the time to respond if they receive this survey.
“Producers can lose out when there are no data to determine accurate rates for loans, disaster payments, crop insurance price elections, and more. Without data, agencies such as USDA’s Risk Management Agency and Farm Service Agency do not have information on which to base the programs that serve those same producers.”
Data from the CAPS survey will be published online at 3 p.m. EST on Dec. 15.
To find out when USDA will be publishing results from other surveys, visit the NASS Reports by Year page.