The USDA will be looking to collect acreage, yield and production data.
“The small grains industry is an important part of Oklahoma and Texas agriculture. It is crucial for all involved to have accurate data about this key sector of the economy,” Wilbert Hundl Jr., director of the NASS Southern Plains regional field office, said in a statement.
More than 6,000 Oklahoma and Texas farmers can expect to receive the survey. Growers in multiple other states including Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, the Dakotas and Kansas may also receive the questionnaire.
The more data the ag department can collect, the better positioned it is to facilitate producer programs.
“We recognize that this is a hectic time for farmers and ranchers. However, the data that producers provide becomes relevant information for decision-making on the farm, in federal farm programs and for market participants,” Hundl said. “I urge producers to participate in this survey, and thank them in advance for their time and cooperation.”
Once the USDA has collected and examined the data, state and national information will be released in the annual Small Grains Summary and quarterly Grain Stocks report on Sept. 30.
Producers will also be able to access county level information on the NASS website in December.