
Top 9 ag-related movies for the Christmas holidays

A Christmas Colt

A Christmas Colt

In a movie fit for the entire family, a father and his kids take an unanticipated detour on their way to Grandma’s house. The family car breaks down in the countryside but luckily Bonnie-Kate, a local rancher, takes them in. While stranded on the ranch for a few days, Matt and his children help Bonnie-Kate protect her farm from trespassing poachers. The family learns the lesson of giving during the holiday season and the true meaning of Christmas.


Photo Credit: https://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://www.gstatic.com/tv/thumb/dvdboxart/10275627/p10275627_d_v8_aa.jpg&imgrefurl=http://google.com/search?tbm%3Disch%26q%3DThe%2520Christmas%2520Colt&h=1440&w=960&tbnid=mkPpiGi3C0QROM:&tbnh=186&tbnw=124&usg=__bQkNCd5FRnnGVzy94JHDsXxPoVc%3D&vet=10ahUKEwil-s39spbYAhVC6GMKHdGFAiIQ_B0IdTAK..i&docid=6vb

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