The contest is open to students in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, and a scholarship will be awarded in each country. Deadline for submissions via social media is 11:59 pm, Friday, September 25, 2020 (Eastern Time, North America). To be eligible to win, students must be enrolled full-time in a college or university program either as an undergraduate or as a graduate student.
A panel of judges, composed of sponsors, industry leaders, and staff members, will then determine the top submissions in each country, and post these on,, and Farmers and producers will then be invited to vote on the best submissions.
The winners, as determined by voting in each country, will be asked to participate in a Student Panel as part of Precision Ag Virtual Conference in November 2020, where they will have the opportunity to present their thesis idea in more detail to farmers attending the Virtual Precision Agriculture Conference and Trade Show.
For Canadian Students, is pleased to welcome Canada’s farm accounting software AgExpert as the Scholarship contest sponsor. To learn more about becoming the scholarship sponsor in the United States or the United Kingdom, please contact
Presenting sponsors include and in the United States and Canada, and and De Lacy Executive Recruitment in the United Kingdom.
Scholarship value: the equivalent of US$2000/country
Deadline for student Video submission: September 25, 2020
Scholarship entry submission videos should be less than 2-minutes in length, include the student or students first name(s), and should include the hashtag #PAG20scholarship, entries should also tag the following social media accounts:
- Twitter:
- @FarmsNews,
- @OntAg, and
- @Agriville
- Facebook: @Farmscom
For privacy reasons, video submissions should not include student’s full name, email, or telephone number in the submission. Once has received the contest entry, we will direct message students to obtain your full name, email address, street address, and telephone number. If you win the contest, will require proof that you are enrolled in and attending the course of studies as outline in your submission.
For more information or detailed contest eligibility rules,