Stink Bug Sightings Found in Ontario

Apr 09, 2014

Ministry of Agriculture Puts out Warning about the Marmorated Stink Bug

By Amanda Brodhagen,

Ontario’s Ministry of Agriculture (OMAF) is worried about the spread of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB). The invasive species can cause widespread damage to fruit, vegetable and soybean crops.

The stink bug could become a real nuisance for Ontario farmers this year.

It has already been spotted in two areas of the province – London and Chattam. The ministry says that the bug tends to come from urban areas first then find their way into farmers’ fields.

The invasive insect pest originating from Asia poses a serious threat to the agriculture industry because they feed on fruit, vegetable and soybean crops. According to OMAF, the bug will feast on more than 170 varieties of plants and crops.

Farmers in the United States experienced high numbers of the bug in 2013. Stink bugs have been found in 33 states. The U.S. Apple Association reported that the stink bug caused $37 million in losses in 2010.

Provincial officials are asking anyone who finds a stink bug to catch it, take a photo and send the image to the ministry for identification. More information about the BMSB can be found here.

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