In February, the Court of Appeal of Alberta ruled the federal carbon tax is unconstitutional in a 4-1 majority decision. However, a ruling from the Supreme Court will be the ultimate decision.
The federal government’s carbon tax only affects certain provinces. The enactment of the federal regulations depends on how the provinces use their strategies to reduce carbon emissions and the effects of climate change, stated the release.
“We feel strongly that this is a significant overreach by the federal government and we have put forward strong arguments that support our position that the federal government does not have the right to override provincial authority in regards to climate change policy,” Morgan said in the statement.
The province’s representatives argued in court that the Made-in-Saskatchewan 2020 Climate Resilience Report shows how the province will tackle climate change.
“Saskatchewan has a strong climate change plan that takes significant steps to mitigate the effects of climate change without creating additional costs for Saskatchewan taxpayers and businesses,” said Morgan.
The Supreme Court could take anywhere from six to 12 months to release its decision on this case.
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