Through these sessions, the Pork Checkoff aims to educate producers on the latest trends in the swine industry.
“These education sessions have become a mainstay of the World Pork Expo and are a great way for producers to access information from programs their Checkoff has funded,” Cindy Cunnigham, assistant vice-president of communications for the National Pork Board (NPB), told today.
“These 45-minute sessions provide (producers with) access to nuggets of information (they) can take home and put into practice on their own farms.”
The seminars also provide farmers with an opportunity to network with experts, Andrew Reinecker, chair of the producer and state services committee with the Pork Checkoff, said in the release.
This year, the industry group arranged the following sessions:
- Sow lifetime productivity – Dr. George Foxcroft, a professor at the University of Alberta, will discuss research to “help pig farmers better select and manage gilts during development for increased longevity and productivity,” the release said.
- Opportunities for genetic improvement – Thomas Titus, a pork producer from Illinois, will talk about gene editing and how it affects his operation.
- Secure Pork Supply (SPS) – Dr. Pam Zaabel, a veterinary specialist at Iowa State University (ISU), will explain the steps that pig farmers can take to implement SPS plans in their operations. These plans allow producers to prepare for outbreaks of foot and mouth disease, classical swine fever and African swine fever, the SPS website states.
- Improving sow survivability – Dr. Jason Ross, an associate professor at ISU, will discuss some of the factors that contribute to the increasing rates of sow prolapses.
- Euthanasia research and resources – Caitlyn Mullins, a DVM candidate at North Carolina State University, will share information on the Pork Checkoff’s new online tools and resources for euthanasia.
- Antibiotic use and resistance – Dr. Heather Kittrell, a postdoc research associate at ISU, “will discuss the history of antibiotic resistance, the mechanisms by which resistance occurs and steps that veterinarians and producers can implement to reduce antibiotic resistance while improving animal welfare,” the release said.
- Environmental permitting and water quality issues facing pork producers – Michael Fomica, environmental policy counsel for the National Pork Producers Council, will update farmers on environmental permit regulations and water quality issues.
- A “fresh” perspective: driving key cutout sales – Kiersten Tuerff-Hafer, vice-president of marketing with Clemens Food Group, will host this seminar, which will cover the Pork Checkoff’s efforts to change consumer perspectives and increase demand for fresh pork.
- A digital revolution: pork’s people-driven marketing strategy – Steve Lerch, account executive for government, agriculture and industry associations at Google, will offer producers insight into the NPB’s marketing strategy.
- International marketing update – Craig Morris, vice-president of international marketing with the NPB, and Dr. Dermot Hayes, an ISU professor, will discuss how the NPB’s increasing emphasis on international marketing could help producers stay profitable “during this period of domestic expansion,” the release said. The hosts will also provide attendees with an overview of U.S. pork exports and global sales.
Each day after lunch, Dr. Elwynn Taylor, a professor and extension climatologist at ISU, will offer insight into upcoming weather conditions. From Kerns & Associates, Steve Meyer, an economist, and Joe Kerns, managing director, will provide participants with a market and grain outlook presentation.
For more information on the World Pork Expo, click here.
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