A user named Ben from Loughborough, England said “you and me would make a good combine-ation.”
Kesha Tedder from South Africa asked “hay girl, how you doin?”
In a tweet, Josh Keaton’s thought he was named after equipment when he said “My name must be John Deere ‘cause I’m totally a Tractored to you.”

A few tweets using the hashtag #FarmingPickupLines
Photos: Twitter
Heath Kimbrell from Sunray, Texas asked “What do you think about combining our net worths? We could borrow a lot of money together.”
To which his wife, Amber, replied “I can’t believe I fell for this!”
The Twitter account for Farmerama, a radio show in the United Kingdom, said “If you want to get with me, you’re on the right tractor.”
User Elwood P. Dowd tweeted, “Let’s bale out of here.”
What farming pick up line would you use to attract someone?