In his informative discussion, Harmer presented a neat outline of the technologies utilized within the precision ag industry, pointing out soil mapping is an oft-neglected function of this sector.
Needless to say, soil is an integral part of what SoilOptix is all about.
SoilOptix, per Harmer, is a unique, premium-level provider of a topsoil analysis system that provides accuracy and precision in agriculture—a much-needed, value-added layer that fits seamlessly into the everyday management decisions of growers.
For those looking for an intro into the world of precision ag technologies, Harmer’s presentation is as good a place to start as any, as he provided a generous overview of the technologies considered.
Precision ag, he said, is a management strategy that looks at inputs such as feed, fertilizer and water to determine how farmers can grow a more productive crop. Even with such stresses as climate or urban development.
“The farm tech landscape is massive,” he correctly stated for the audience, “so how do we even begin to bring it all together?”
He noted that farmers get application data in spades from a variety of tech, such as: sprayers/spreaders, planters, irrigation devices, tiling, scouting, and from the crops itself going in and out of the elevators, and of course, where most data tech is applied—from the combines machines.
While data is also found via drone usage and satellite imagery, soil seems to be the poor ignored cousin of the tech world.
To learn more about how SoilOptix can provide you with the exacting soil data required to increase your yield while saving you from wasting resources, view the video below: