They’re all designed to give precise, up to the minute calculations and information
By Diego Flammini,
Ever wonder if there’s an app for that?
Chances are, there is.
For example, there’s an app called Lighter that users can flick on and off like a lighter and even sway the flame back and forth during their favourite power ballads.
There’s an app called Hangtime, where there user throws their phone in the air and the app will calculate the distance and speed they’ve thrown their phone at.
There is even an app called Is it dark outside? that will tell the user if it’s dark outside in their current location.
Luckily the apps designed for farming and agriculture serve a much better purpose. With new apps coming out all the time, found some of the new ones for 2015, designed to give the farmer all the information they need right at their fingertips to make their farm and machinery run as efficiently as possible.
Available for Android, iPad and iPhone, this app allows farmers to adjust and calculate sprayer settings for TurboDrop and AirMix nozzles. Users can customize specific settings including application rates (gal/ac), speed (mph), spacing (inches) and flow rates (gal/min).
This Android-based app lets users turn their phones or tablets into a precision tractor GPS. It can be used for any farming initiative performed by tractor or other machinery including fertilization, manure application and spraying.
Genuity Rootworm Manager
The last thing corn farmers want to encounter is rootworm. This app, available for iPad, can help determine the risk of corn rootworm in each field and provide guidelines during each stage of the season. Using a question and answer format, the app collects data and analyzes and assesses rootworm risk.
Made for Android, iPad and iPhone users, this app stores all the inventory and maintenance records for machinery and attachments and covers cars and trucks of all makes and models. The app keeps track of any maintenance and can also remind the user when work needs to be done on the machine.
TigerSul Calculator
This app, available for iPad, Android and iPhone, helps farmers and agronomists decide how much micronutrient enhanced sulfur fertilizers are needed to produce a better yield. The app comes with information on the micronutrients, symptoms of crop deficiency and a database of fertilizer specialists who can be reached by phone or email.
Be sure to check out the apps page to view and download these apps and ones just like it.
Join in the conversation and discuss which apps worked best, which didn’t and an app that could be useful in the future.

Using a tablet in the fields