“I became involved with this research because I’m interested in the ways that farmers relate to new technologies. This impacts not only farmers and rural communities, but also consumers and the food system at large,” she said to Farms.com.
“We want to contribute to answering questions like ‘Do Canadian farmers feel empowered to use digital precision agriculture technologies?’ and ‘Are there concerns about new technologies?’ I think that this research will begin to answer those questions. Hopefully, the outcome will provide farmers with more information about the impact of technology on the agricultural sector in Canada.”
In addition to Marquis, U of G graduate students from the geography, environment and geomatics department are working on the project. Dr. Evan Fraser is the lead academic adviser.
Marquis will use the study results as the basis for her thesis. A number of PhD students will also use the data in their theses focusing on the use of technology in agriculture. Food from Thought, SSHRC’s Insight Grant and the Canada Research Chair Program funded this research.
Farmers will need about 30 minutes to complete the survey. Those producers who indicate an interest may also be invited to participate in a follow-up interview to discuss their motivations for employing precision agriculture techniques, as well as their practical experience with precision ag.
As a champion of precision agriculture and technology best practices, Farms.com will conduct a random draw from all the farmers who participate in the online survey and submit their email addresses. The winner will receive a complimentary registration to either the Farms.com Eastern or Western Precision Agriculture Conference and Ag Technology Showcase.
The Farms.com Western Canada Precision Agriculture Conference & Ag Technology Showcase will take place on Nov. 26 and 27 at the Best Western Premier Calgary Plaza Hotel and Conference Centre in Calgary, Alta. The Eastern conference will take place on Jan. 29 and 30, 2020 at the RBC Place in London, Ont.
Farmers can complete the survey at uoguelph.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8DlMUAPDuEjqoxn
Producers can learn more about the Farms.com Precision Agriculture Conference and Ag Technology Showcase at farms.com/precision-agriculture/conferences/
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