Gearing up for Canada’s Agriculture Day

Gearing up for Canada’s Agriculture Day
Feb 07, 2019

Attendees can participate in celebratory events across the country

Staff Writer
Canada’s third annual Agriculture Day on Feb. 12 will see Agriculture More Than Ever host farm-focused events and activities across the country.
Agriculture More Than Ever “invites the media and the public” to participate in celebratory events happening near them, a Farm Credit Canada (FCC) release said today.
The Regina-based organization’s website explains that Canada’s Agriculture Day is “a time to showcase all of the amazing things happening in our industry and create a closer connection with consumers about where their food comes from and the people who produce it.”
Celebrating Canadian agriculture is important for the industry across the country, Debbie Bailey, Agriculture More Than Ever manager, told today. 
“It’s a way for us to elevate and shine a spotlight on all the amazing food that is grown and raised on farms in Canada. It’s also a great opportunity for people who work in the industry to showcase what they do on their farm. 
“Agriculture is an important economic driver in Canada and we all have a stake in its success. This day encourages celebration of the ag industry and helps consumers understand where their food comes from,” Bailey said.
In Ottawa, the celebration will consist of ag industry leaders, producers and grocery retailers engaging in a day of discussion focusing on the future of food.
The event will feature speakers Ron Bonnett, president of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, Sophie Perrault, chief operating officer at Farm Credit Canada, and Joe Dales, co-founder and director at
“I’m honoured to be moderating the farmer panel on behalf of Canadian agriculture,” said Dales today.
“I’m also excited to represent the team, including Better Farming and, at the event. It’s a chance to show how passionate we are about our role in this industry.”
Registered participants in the Ottawa celebration can look forward to a day session at the Delta Hotels Ottawa City Centre, followed by an evening reception in the Sir John A. Macdonald Building.
Conference attendees and invited guests can attend the day and evening sessions, as the events are “designed to bring together people involved in Canadian agriculture, food and agribusiness,” the Agriculture More Than Ever website indicates. 
Events are also happening in Abbotsford, British Columbia; Calgary, Alberta; Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; Winkler, Manitoba; Musgravetown, Newfoundland and Labrador; and Nova Scotia. 
New to this year’s event, FCC has developed a Shared Participant List for attendees to share contact information with other participants to promote networking opportunities. 
“Canada’s Agriculture Day is a day to help get people talking about their food in a fun and engaging way. And, there are so many ways to get involved,” Bailey said.
“Everyone can do something – it can be as simple as sharing a meal with your family and talking about where your food comes from or sharing a message on social media using @AgMoreThanEver and #CdnAgDay.”
To learn about the speakers participating in Canada’s Agriculture Day event in Ottawa, visit the Ottawa event on the Agriculture More than Ever website.
To register for Canada’s Agriculture Day in Ottawa, click here.
Updated Feb. 7, 2019

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