Farmers are showing off their latest corn creations
By Diego Flammini
News Reporter
Drive alongside any corn field and generally they look the same, but when you take to the skies and see them from above, the corn fields can present a far different picture.
12 percent of the total U.S. corn crop has matured, according to the USDA’s latest Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin.
And farmers are using their mature corn fields as art canvasses to show off the corn mazes they’ve created this year. has compiled some of the unique corn creations made by American farmers this year.
As parts of Texas continue to recover from Hurricane Harvey, a corn maze at a farm in La Vernia shows support for those impacted by the hurricane.
The maze is a cut-out of the state of Texas with the words “Texas Strong” carved inside it.
The outpouring of support to victims of Hurricane Harvey was the motivation for the design.
“Seeing all of Texas come together in these awful circumstances was inspiring,” Drew and Caylin Herley, the farm owners, told on Sept. 11.

A farmer from Evansville, Indiana showed his love of “Star Wars” and honored the late Carrie Fisher by carving her Princess Leia character into his corn maze.
Jeremy Gobel told the Evansville Courier & Press on Sept. 7 he’s always been a fan of the iconic movie franchise and wanted to “pay tribute to Carrie Fisher.”
The maze features Fisher dressed as Princess Leia. Above her reads “Carrie Fisher RIP 1956-2016.”

Everybody’s favorite curious monkey, Curious George, turns 75 in 2017 and Robinettes Farm in Grand Rapids is celebrating by making him the star of their corn maze.
The 6.5 acre maze features George sitting next to a Jack-o-lantern.

All Seasons Orchard in Woodstock is celebrating Nintendo’s signature hero with a Super Mario themed corn maze.
“We all grew up on Mario, and we thought we could dedicate a year to Super Mario because we love the game so much,” Eddie Hong told the Northwest Herald on Sept. 7.
The 10-acre maze features Mario, his brother Luigi, Princess Peach and Toadstool.

A farm in Temecula, California pays tribute to the U.S. military in this year’s corn maze.
The 11-acre creation features the Statue of Liberty inside the American flag, with the caption “AMERICA LAND OF THE Free BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE GOD BLESS OUR MILITARY.”

R&J Farm Market in Souderton is showing its support for the Philadelphia 76ers basketball team with a corn maze dedicated to the basketball franchise.
The corn maze includes a basketball court, the team logo and the phrase “Trust the Process,” a slogan coined by the team’s former general manager Sam Hinkie.

The Louisburg Cider Mill in Louisburg turns 40 in 2017. Its owners decided to use the milestone birthday as the inspiration for this year’s corn maze.
The 10-acre maze features the barn featured on Louisburg’s logo along with “1977-2017.”

Those are only a few of the unique mazes American producers have created this year. Do you know of a corn maze should see? Let us know!