The tractor with 894 hours showing sold for $405,000 (USD$320,922).
Specs: 620 hp, 16 spd powershift LH rev, diff lock, AFS Pro 700 display, RTK activation, 372 receiver, AccuGuide autosteer, A/C cab, 6 hyd outlets, aux hyd, drawbar, frt weights, rear wheel weights, rear weights, 800/70R38, duals, twin flow hydraulics, variable rate.

A 2019 Case IH Steiger 580 4WD tractor with 776 hours showing sold for $375,000 (USD$297,150).
Specs: 580 hp, 16 spd powershift LH rev, diff lock, AFS Pro 700 display, AFS AccuGuide activation, 372 receiver, 6 hyd outlets, aux hyd, frt weights, rear wheel weights, rear weights, 800/70R38, duals, twin flow hydraulics, section control.

Another 2019 Case IH Steiger 580 4WD tractor was among the top selling items.
This tractor had 1,243 hours and sold for $352,500 (USD$279,321).
Specs: 580 hp, 16 spd powershift LH rev, diff lock, AFS Pro 700 display, AFS AccuGuide activation, 372 receiver, A/C cab, 6 hyd outlets, aux hyd, frt weights, rear wheel weights, rear weights, 800/70R38, duals, twin flow hydraulics, section control, tow cable.

Two John Deere combines were also among the featured auction items.
A 2018 John Deere S790 combine with 999 engine hours and 743 separator hours sold for $335,000 (USD$265,454).
Specs: 615P 15 ft hdr, reverser, VSR, auto HHC, F&A, 28 ft auger, fine cut chopper, yield & moisture, CommandCenter 4600 display, AutoTrac activation, Starfire 6000 receiver, lateral tilt fdr house, 650/85R38 F, 750/65R26 R, duals, PowerFold grain tank extensions, Active Yield, Data Sync, In-Field Data Sharing, Machine Sync, RowSense, Section Control.

A 2018 John Deere S780 combine with 858 engine hours and 586 separator hours sold for $325,000 (USD$257,530).
Specs: reverser, VSR, auto HHC, F&A, 26 ft auger, fine cut chopper, yield & moisture, CommandCenter 4600 w/ 4240 ext. display, AutoTrac activation, lateral tilt fdr house, 650/85R38 F, 750/65R26 R, duals, PowerCast tailboard, PowerFold grain tank extensions, Data Sync, In-Field Data Sharing, RowSense, Section Control.