News from our rich agriculture history

The farm and rural history website is dedicated to celebrating and digitizing the last 150 years of success in the Canadian agriculture and food industry. The agriculture and food industries in Canada have a rich heritage of innovation, and have laid a foundation of excellence upon which we continue to grow. We celebrate Canada’s food and agriculture innovations on these pages.
Practical Methods of Cooling Milk on the Farm

Farmers are often accused of showing a lack of business instinct. It is certain that no successful business man would handle his products in the way some farmers handle theirs. This is particularly noticeable in connection with the handling of milk produced on dairy farms and one cannot help but be surprised that dairymen allow themselves to be so careless as to produce milk at considerable

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Willard Storage Batteries

This ad, found in the October 1933 issue of The Farmer, is for a Willard Storage Battery. Founded by Theodore A. Willard in 1896, Willard Storage Battery Co. was based out

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Washing Machine

This artifact is an old pre-electricity washing machine. Washers like these were designed to create a greater efficiency in labour and resources than hand washing

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Deepening Farms with Dynamite

The use of low-grade dynamite containing about twenty percent of nitroglycerine for removing stumps and boulders impeding cultivation on the farm has been proven an unqualified success at many local demonstrations, as well as in the hands of numerous farmers employing it in ordinary use. The Farmer’s Advocate of May 16th 1912, described the results of a public demonstration at Weldwood,

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lives lived

John G. Barron

OCTOBER 27, 1850 - FEBRUARY 12, 1926

John G. Barron was one of Manitoba’s earliest and most celebrated cattle breeders in the province’s history. Barron’s success in breeding Shorthorn cattle won him a great number of medals at fairs and livestock shows across North America. The fruits of John’s success extended beyond his own immediate family to his adopted community of Carberry, Manitoba. In 1920 the editor of the local paper claimed that John Barron did more “than anyone else to put Carberry on the map of Canada.”

John Gerrie Barron was born in Elora, Upper Canada (modern-day

William ‘Bill’ Heeman

DECEMBER 1, 1933 – JUNE 28, 2017

Farmer and innovator. Born Dec. 1, 1933; died June 28, 2017 in London, Ont., age 83.

Bill Heeman worked literally until the day he died at the London-area retail greenhouse operation he and his wife, Susan, established 54 years ago.

The couple emigrated from Holland in the late 1950s. While Bill was a mechanic by trade, Susan was raised in a family greenhouse business and urged her husband to enter this field. In 1963, the couple built a 10,000-square-foot (929-square-metre) greenhouse for wholesale tomatoes near a strawberry patch.

The family has

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